
~$ whoami

Hello. My name is Nima, Welcome to my Website!

I am a Penetration Tester, Cybersecurity Researcher and I also used to be a Software Developer.

My Prior Roles and Works in the Software Field

  • Full Stack Software Developer.

  • Full-Time Legacy Code Maintenance, Bug Fixes, and Code Refactoring.

  • Full Stack VoIP Engineer: VoIP Software Solutions and the whole VoIP stack including Software Development, Deployment, Network Infrastructure, Security, Support…

  • Connecting Legacy Systems to Newer VoIP and Software Technologies.

  • Finding solutions for difficult or impossible IT/Software problems. Such as finding novel solutions for bypassing some limitations of a proprietary legacy programming language and finding workarounds for some programming language bugs. I have solved every important technical problem that was handed to me during my career. Some of them were difficult and challenging enough that they were left unsolved for years, I believe:

Nothing is impossible in IT and Security and the only limitation is in our own Imagination!

  • Expanded open-source IP telephony system and developed softphones with SIP,RTP protocols and connected these systems and their services to legacy software.

My Work Now

I work in Cybersecurity now.

I like almost all technical fields of Cybersecurity but prefer Offensive Security and Red Teaming over Defensive Security and Blue Teaming but I’m curious overall and read everything related to Cybersecurity and I also use Defensive knowledge to my advantage as an Offensive practitioner.

Some of my Experiences

Certifications (that I’m interested in)

Other Areas of Interest

PortSwigger, TryHackMe, OffSec, Anonymization, Online Privacy and Invisibility, OSINT, Linux, OS Hardening, Covert Cyber-Attacks, Side-Channel Attacks, Bypassing Air-Gaps, Automation, Github and Open-Source Software, CTFs, Blockchain, ICS, AI, Quantum Computing, Neuroscience, Evolution, Personal Transformation, Performance Improvement…


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